My ducks first spring!

Yeah, she got lots of tlc and the drakes got put on craigslist. I have a buyer Im gonna talk to later this afternoon, hes got saxony hens, so they should be happy there if all goes well.
I'm glad for Blondie. And I'm glad the guy has saxony girls so that your drake is met with a level playing field.
Is it his hormones? Is he mean to other birds? Aaron is still getting him?
I don't think so...
Yeah, he doesn't get along with Oliver, Nyasa, and Snuggles, and he's a little hard on some of the hens. Yes he is!

Im selling a drake soon (hopefully) coz my big saxonies are too heavy to sit on the khaki hens
They are causing wing injuries on them, and once they grabbed Blondie and made her bleed.
Oh poor hens!
It does sound like a personality conflict to me then. Some individuals just don't mesh well with others. Hopefully he will settle with Aaron's flock fine.

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