Topic of the Week - Roosters, Yes or No?

Pet roosters dont have a fear or respect for humans. If your going to raise your own dont hold them and hug them and name them George. Ok ok, you can name them George. Lol
My rooster show the hens food. And makes nests for them. But he is 3 years old. Oh and if you dont have a rooster and wonder why your hen squats down when you walk by. She wants you to breed her..
Here is a list of sounds a rooster makes
That you might find interesting
There is also more information on other chicken sounds.

Thanks for sharing this. I found it interesting and I've heard my chickens make most of these noises. I had a hen make the air raid call, and they all came running as fast as they could for the cover of the barn. A very LARGE raptor flew over a few seconds later - I could almost reach out and touch it. I've seen them catching fish out of my pond a few times too.

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