

May 22, 2015
Do I need to paint the walls inside my chicken shed
If so can i use a water based paint as the sell one in England called ducks back or garden shades
Cheers Phil
Hello Phil
I know a few people who have their hens in coop that used to be a garage.
The walls are not plastered or painted.
So in my opinion I don't think there is any benefit of painting the walls,
But I heard of people painting the inside of their coops with white paint
So they can see red mites if the have any,
If you want to paint your walls in the chicken shed I think you should use white paint.
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You won't technically need too but it will help with rot from moisture and it'l make the surface a great deal easier to clean.
Aesthetically, it'l look nicer too.

Water base paint is fine but I would suggest using an interior paint, easier to clean.
I know most paints in the UK are oil based (having lived there for 15 years) but most over here in Canada, including exterior, are water base.

I ended up using water based waterproofing stain because it was a cheap mistint from my local hardware shop.
Worked just fine..
Do I need to paint the walls inside my chicken shed
A lot of people do with water based paint like you suggested, some people white wash the area with a mixture of lime salt and water yearly this is know to have benefits as well. Others leave the wood raw and seem to have few problems. There are advantages and disadvantage to what ever method you choose. All of which have a favourable results on this form

Let us know what you decide and good luck to you back yard buddy.
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I am not getting my birds for a couple of months I will probably use water based paint on the walls
& exterior gloss on the shed
floor will this be ok ??
Cheers Phil
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Phil, I would paint interior simply because it brightens the interior, as well as making cleaning easy, and IMO, your wood will last longer. I put down a roll of floor vinyl on the floor of my coop. But paint would be fine. There is a product here that is meant to be a sealant for the exterior surface of flat roofs. I think it's called Black Jack. A lot of people use that on the floor and a foot or so up the walls. From what I hear, that stuff is impervious. Be sure you get the painting done early so you won't have issues with it outgassing. Do you have plenty of ventilation in this building, and natural light? Now would be a good time to address these issues as well.
I got a new 8x6 shed yesterday and
I am planning putting 4, 6 x 4 inch
Vents in is this enough
Cheers Phil
I'll second what Lazy gardener had to say, about painting the interior. If painted a light color, such as white, natural light will be reflected inside the coop, and it will be much brighter inside. I know it made a noticeable difference when I painted mine. With you being in England, I don't think you can get Blackjack over there. But you should be able to pick up some kind of rubberized roof coat product over there.

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