Hen or Rooster?


Hello from another Rachel :frow

Yep, you've got two Easter egger cockerels (young roosters). Sexed pullets are only about 90% accurate, but it looks like you got your Oops and someone else's, also. bummer. 

Well well!! Hah! I'm not terribly upset about the oops. They are very pretty. I've kind of been wanting a roo. Thinking I might eventually hatch some chicks. And to possibly keep the rest of the flock in check (they are free ranges when it's not winter). So now I have to decide who goes and who stays, don't want or need 2 roosters.
Well well!! Hah! I'm not terribly upset about the oops. They are very pretty. I've kind of been wanting a roo. Thinking I might eventually hatch some chicks. And to possibly keep the rest of the flock in check (they are free ranges when it's not winter). So now I have to decide who goes and who stays, don't want or need 2 roosters.

I agree they're handsome boys.

I like brown/gold better myself, so I'd be looking at keeping the second bird. But, way before color comes temperament. I don't care how pretty you are, if you threaten me, or are at all disrespectful to a human, or if you're just not nice to the ladies, off with your head

With your nice mixed flock, you could have some interesting looking chicks. I love to mix and match from my hatchery birds. And with either of those roosters, and a brown egg laying hen, you have a decent chance of getting pullet offspring that lay green eggs, always coo!
Two cockerels. Both pretty! Keep the "nice" one. My EE rooster was really mean - I learned my lesson on how to raise them! The two I have now are cross breed cockerels and both are good boys so far. I don't handle them or bother them and they don't bother me and are fairly good to the girls for roosters as young as they are. Hopefully, all will remain well!

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