Opps! Left coop open over night!


May 26, 2016
Central Arkansas
This morning I went out to give my chickens a special treat of leftovers. When I walked outside I noticed that I had left the nest box door wide open. I scolded myself for this. They all seemed calm and OK so I didn't panic. One of my barred rocks was even laying in one of the nests working on a egg. I closed the door and proceeded to open the front coop door to give them their treat. As I was approaching the door my rooster and two of the girls came walking around from the other side of the coop. They had let themselves out. Luckily all of them were just fine. Scrappy my rooster is very watchful and protective of the girls! Normally I don't let them free range unless I am present as we have a LOT of hawks out here and all sorts of ground predators. Shew! Glad they are all OK and just had a fun morning. Has anyone else ever done this?
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Scary! That's happened here before. I'm awake by 4am everyday and the coop is in the side yard. I can see it fairly well, even at night. I get scared and run out in my pajamas and slippers expecting to find carnage. Never have lost one though.
My best prevention for this is double checking each night. Either my husband or myself lock up the coop, and then a few hours later when the dogs get let out to go potty one more time, husband double checks the coop again (checks latches, shines a flashlight on floor).
I'm usually good about making sure I close every thing up each time and am mindful of making sure the latch on the nest box is locked. I just got distracted after collecting the last egg. That won't happen again. I'm sure Scrappy the rooster and the two girls that got out really enjoyed their extended foraging time this morning. I'm just glad my rooster was one of the escapees as he is very vigilant about watching for predators.
did it one time and luckily got away with it, everyone was ok when i came out in the morning. wasnt happy with myself.
Sorry you had some losses Mary. I'm glad my roo was one of the escapees. He is very protective. I've seen him call them to the coop after spotting a hawk I didn't see. They were enjoying their free time with out me watching over them. Still don't plan to let that happen again!

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