Welsh Harlequin Hatching Eggs AWA and NPIP certified


5 Years
Feb 17, 2014
Western NC
We are a small breeder of Welsh Harlequin ducks. Our ducks eat locally grown organic non-soy feed and free range on a 1 acre pasture daily. We are proud to be Animal Welfare Approved and National Poultry Improvement Plan certified.

Please see pictures of our flock http://willowcreekducks.weebly.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/willowcreekducks

Our drakes won first and second place drakes at the Union County 4H Poultry show this past fall. Also, the ducks did very well with a few first and second places won.

Eggs are $24 per dozen and are collected within 2 days of shipping.
Shipping is $15 for 1-2 dozen eggs.
We guarantee that 80% of our eggs will be fertile and ask that you candle at 10-14 days. (Last years fertility rate was 99%)

The Welsh Harlequin duck was developed by Leslie Bonnett in Wales from two off-colored Khaki Campbell ducklings back in 1949. There are two variations of Welsh Harlequins: Silver and Gold.

Silver phase Welsh Harlequins were accepted into the American Poultry Association in 2001 as a Light Duck. Welsh Harlequins are great for egg production and have strong mothering instincts. They are curious ducks with a calm demeanor. They excel and foraging and do not leave any leaf unturned while looking for snacks.

Welsh Harlequins have white under feathers so as a meat bird they produce nice white carcasses They can be sexed after hatching with 90% accuracy by their bill color. Darker bills mean a male and lighter bills ending in a dark spot are normally females. However this distinction fades within the first few days of life.

Our drakes and most of our females are Silver. All ducklings hatched from our eggs should be Silver phase but could carry the Gold gene.

Weight: 5-5.5 pounds
Eggs: 240-330 per year
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Yes I will have some ducklings available. I am near Charlotte NC, per my AWA certification I am not allowed to ship ducklings.

I just started eggs in my incubator this week however this batch is mostly spoken for. I will collect and incubate again as soon as this batch is done.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Sara Fraker
Willow Creek Ducks, LLC
Yes I will have some ducklings available. I am near Charlotte NC, per my AWA certification I am not allowed to ship ducklings.

I just started eggs in my incubator this week however this batch is mostly spoken for. I will collect and incubate again as soon as this batch is done.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Sara Fraker
Willow Creek Ducks, LLC
It's ok, I don't believe I will be able to get any this year, but thanks for your time.

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