Distressed chick with red and swollen vent.


12 Years
Mar 3, 2007
I have a 6 day old chick whose vent is very swollen and red and she seems to be in distress. She won't eat or drink and just stands with her head and wings down. As soon as I noticed I soaked her bottom in warm water, then ran her over to my neighbor who has raised chicken and quail. He didn't think her vent is blocked, but told me to put antibiotic cream on it to help with the inflammation. I did that a few hours ago, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I feel so bad for my baby. Can anyone tell me what I can do to help her? None of my other chicks have ever had this happen to them.
Remove her from the others in case she has a communicable disease. You can try and feed her water with a syringe. Keep a light on her and keep with the cream on her vent.
As far as meds, I'm not sure. Good luck to you and your little friend!
Thank you for your help! I did separate her and dipped her beak in water, which she did take a little of. I checked her vent and it really looks like it's plugged with a big plug of hard poo. Is there something I can do to help get it out without hurting her?
Q-tip idea was great! I soaked her bottom in warm water for awhile, then gently pushed the edge of the vent back so that my DH could work out little pieces at a time. We got some pretty good chunks out, then re-soaked and did it again. The soaking seemed to help work the plug towards the surface. I'll do it a few more times after I give her time to warm herself under the light. I don't know if this will solve the plumbing problem, but I sure do appreciate all of your helpful suggestions:) When I put her to bed for the night I'll cream her up real good. Hopefully she'll be better in the morning.
Thank you everyone for all of your encouragement! My baby seems to be doing better today, but I'm still keeping her isolated from the others. Her vent looks pretty clear today, although it's still swollen and there is white liquidy stuff in the opening, so I guess that's ok. I'm keeping her lathered up with Neosporin. I did get her to drink some water, but she doesn't seem interested in eating. Sadly though, when I got home from work one of my other baby Cuckoo Marans was dead. She wasn't stiff, so it must have happened shortly before I got home. I checked her over real well and couldn't find anything wrong on the outside and as far as I know she'd been eating and drinking fine. I hate to lose another Maran. I also lost two during shipping since it took 3 days to reach me, instead of two. I was not looking forward to opening my box when it arrived at the post office, but I guess I should be grateful that I only lost two. I'll keep you posted on my other little maran. She's a fighter!

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