Stating new construction on existing coop


Mar 12, 2017
Palestine, Texas
I was reading about perches, and saw pictures of what others were doing. I'm going to build a ladder type roost. Have a question?

1. All the South wall of my coop, is all covered in 1/2-inch hardware cloth, no siding . The roost boards will be running along the length of back East wall, 8-feet, and that wall is all coververed. Should I cover with lumber siding just to where the ladder roost steps end on the South wall, or just leave it all open as it is? Just on that South side, the corrugated metal roof overhang sticks out 4-feet past the hardware cloth, and is 6-feet above the ground. My son, who built the coup for them, is only 5-foot 10-inches, that's why it is so low

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