tour de coops portland oregon july 28th

my mom was talking about this... she said it was tommorow though... i cant i am going camping that weekend.
The tour de coops was wonderful thanks to everyone that opened their backyards to the world. Bonus points for the people with ballons out front to mark the house!

My mother and I went to four coops of 18. We had lunch, shopped at the market and made a pasta stop.
great day.

the gardens were all stunning.
Most of the coops I saw were in very , very small yards and the copps and runs were about 10 feet long total.
The birds were all glossy and healthy looking.
some owneres reported an egg a day from their girls. I saw only buff orps and SW.
some reported less, one egg for three chcikens.

Mom and I discussed this, most of the coops were under heavy tree canopy and the runs semed very cool and dark. Perhaps the girls needed more sun for egg production?

I am now gratefull for my big messy garden, with lots of dayliies and clover and mulch.

Tour de coops was wonderful and a great fundrasier. See you all next year!


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