Male Muscovy Too Fat To Mate? Should I Put Him On A Diet?


5 Years
Oct 30, 2015
Had a trio, was told it was two females and a male, turns out it was two males and a female when they came, but one of the males looked like a female because he was so young and some of his caruncling was still partially feathered. Realized he was a male after he tried to put the moves on the lady. Didn't want them to kill her so swapped the other male with someone who only had females and got 2 females for the male.

I do want them to brood a clutch or two but... while my male is very earnest in his pursuit, once he catches them, he can't get on top because he's just really fat (the first group I got were much larger than the muscovies I used to have and shocked me, the second group was more "normal" sized for me). I don't think I have seen him succeed even once. What are the chances he managed to? He's giving it his best shot but can't seem to get anywhere.

I have half the mind to put him on a diet (even the other female because she's the size of a normal male, where-as the new ones are sleek because they were free ranged fully.)

I didn't even think about that (the kiddie pool, I mean.) Well, I guess I know what I'm doing today. Just call me the matchmaker.

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