Ruger the varmint killer did it again...


14 Years
Mar 15, 2010
On the MN prairie.
Tonight's kill was a big stray tom cat. I saw it running through some tall grass and at first thought it was a woodchuck. Ruger (AKA "Booger") caught its scent, flushed it out, and the next thing I knew had it in his mouth flinging it around. He did let go of it, and I went over to investigate. (Not too close!) The cat was still alive, growling and hissing, able to move and turn with the dog as he circled it. I kind of half-heartedly tried to call Booger off, but he was too intent (I know, I know, poor training on my part) on the game. So, I walked away because I didn't want to watch. Booger was up to the house about 10 minutes later. When I went out to lock the chickens up for the night, I saw the dead cat laying right where it was when I left earlier.

This is the first cat he's killed that I know of. He has also killed several raccoons, squirrels, at least one muskrat and some rabbits. He is up on all his shots.

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