Barred rocks in winter....


Apr 16, 2017
I have 5 barred rock pullets that I am keeping as my layers. I live in Ontario, Canada.....and during a cold snap it can get down to -25C at night - day time highs are usually around -7C I'd say. My coop is not insulated, but it does have I could hang a heat lamp for them if needed, and also am able to keep their water from freezing. Will they be ok do you think? BR's have the comb they risk getting frostbite? They will be out of the wind completely - our coop is actually half our big shed. They will have a few roosts to get up on, and a thick bedding layer. They will have access to their enclosed run on days that are warm enough.

We are new to keeping chickens, they are only 3 weeks old right now and in our basement....we are just setting up the coop. I'd like to get a couple EE's to go with them eventually.

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