What is a good size for a small riding arena?


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
My hubby and I decided that in order for my daughter to really learn, we need a riding ring. The area we have to work with is small so it can't be one of those big fancy show rings. It will be grass still and be used about once a week for my daughter's lesson.

We measured out today a 50W X 100L Area and it seems like it would work well.

Being that she is 5 and for a while is working on trotting and going over flat cavelettis, we thought that was a good size. If she ever gets to the point of jumping and stuff like that she would be taking lessons at a training farm.
The sounds fine to me ,Heck will you build me one
oh and just wondering,do you have any pics of the pony/horse? I love me some ponies!!
Bec, I was wondering if you could show us some pics of your Delaware Blue hens and roo, from what I read they are very very rare. And you have some beautiful horses.
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If you could manage 66x131 ft you'd have the 'small' dressage arena and it sounds like you're planning on english riding so that's not a bad idea. And it's not much bigger than you're already thinking about.

I would also suggest a round pen if you don't have one, since you're daughter is so young. Beautiful mare she has, too.


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