how much sunlight do ducks need and how much water do they need


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
im raising to ducklings now there about a week old but i need to build there pin but i don no how much to leave uncovered or how much water to give them
my ducks have a small house that they can go in or out whenever. they spend almost all of there time outside and usually use the house to lay in or they just hide them around the yard:)
at first my ducks shaired a kiddy pool. then my hubby got them a bigger pond. but they arnt to picky.
hope that helps;)
ducks need water available to drink at all times.. they will visit the water several times per day..

A very shallow puddle is enough to keep them happy to splash around in. very young ducks should be supervised at all times if you have a container of water other than a natural puddle. If they can not easily climb out, they will tire out and drown. an older duck will last much longer, but they can also fatigue and drown.
thank you so much that realy helps but i though of another question will the ducks still follow you around when they get older
that is up to you.. If you spend a lot of time with them , they will be more likely to.. If you have several ducks, then they tend to follow each other and ignore you.. You might get a single duck out of the bunch to be more friendly than the rest..
The more you handle them as ducklings the friendlier they will be as adults.

As for sunlight, I have a covered pen with an enclosed hutch in the pen, but they get let out in the fenced yard to play. They are out there from about 7am until dark. The more sun they get, the healthier they will be and the more vitamin D their eggs will contain.
that is up to you.. If you spend a lot of time with them , they will be more likely to.. If you have several ducks, then they tend to follow each other and ignore you.. You might get a single duck out of the bunch to be more friendly than the rest..

I know a woman who trained her Muscovy Drakes to come when she called their names. Comical to watch, especially with the head bobbing and tail wagging that they do!

I guess we will all just have to get some of each breed of duck and report back our findings. Its the only fair way!
do you no how she trained them to come when she called and also i onley have two ducks so dont you think they would still follow me

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