How do I get rid of house sparrows?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 11, 2009
Any ideas on getting rid of house sparrows? They are eating about 10 pounds of feed every 2-3 days. I have moved the feed, used fake owls, I have 2 cats and nothing keeps them away. We technically live in the City Limits too so we can't shoot them:( Any idea would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!
We have tried bird seed in the yard hoping they will stay away from the chickens but there are so many sparrows they clean out the feeders and go back for chicken feed. What is a safe box? Will my chicken still be able to eat? Thanks
Get a sparrow trap and start eliminating them. They are a nuisance bird and will kill native blue bird babies.

It is perfectly legal to kill english sparrows and starlings.

They eat all your feed, poop everywhere and bring in disease and parasites.

Just Google sparrow trap.
Thanks. I will do that. There used to be only a small flock and it wasn't an issue, but the last few months they've been having a family reunion and I can't take it any longer. Thanks again!!
I bought a sparrow trap on Ebay that works like a champ! I believe they are called "Uncle Blaine's Sparrow Traps" (I think he only sells on ebay) They cost around $50, which sounds like a lot, but it works so well, perhaps you could go in on it with a few neighbors.

I had HOSPs killing my bluebirds, and I couldn't hit the ground if I tried with a pellet gun - this has been a fantastic answer, and my bluebirds are back raising a family with no danger.

Good Luck
The sparrows nest in a tree above my chicken coop. In order to remove their nests I would need a crane as the tree it about 3 times taller than a one story house. It seems my only viable option is trapping and I am going to give it whirl.
Thats gonna need to be one long pole and my electrical lines run through the tree, so no thanks. All my extra feed is in sealed bins but they eat the feed in the chicken feeder so sorry but thanks anyway, and we don't have fire ants either.
This is the trap I have, and it really works SO well!
PolishChickens, you want to get rid of the adult HOSPs because they invade the nests of native birds, destroy the eggs, and kill the adult birds. They are an introduced species wreaking havoc on native species much like predatory fish released in closed ecosystems are decimating populations of native fish. This website is really informative, really worth reading.
I have found that catching the fledglings in trap is really easy, and dispatching them is far more humane than putting them in a fire ant pile, or putting down poison that can be spread to other native birds or native critters that may either eat the poison, or eat the poisoned birds.

Also, while putting out wild bird seed seems like an alternative to keeping them away from your chickens, what it's actually doing is encouraging the ones you already have to stay, and attracting more.

(btw... this is from someone who works as a Raptor/wild bird rehabilitator...)

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