Bring your "Howdy's" here!

Noo, gritsar. Keep your hot weather
The wasps haven't even been that bad this year. I wonder what this all means for winter though.

Awwww, are you sure you don't want the wonderful sensation of opening an oven door every time you walk out the door?
ETA: The wasps have been fighting the hummingbirds for the feeders. Rain is something else we don't have.
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Nooo thanks. The only oven door I wanna feel like walking into is the one in my kitchen! We have had rain, but it's like a monsoon one day, then dry for 2 weeks.

I think the rest of our hens are about to have eggs all at once LOL. I won't let them outside to free range yet, and a couple of them are NOT happy with me. Our rooster Gandalf is acting like a nervous wreck, and all the hens are squaking at him.
He's either in the way, or not helping enough. Poor guy.

Salad Bowl of the World, lol

This summer has been staying in 50's at night. Days are usually 60's and 70's. It is quite nice, although sometimes it can be quite chilly. Always take your jacket where ever you go. When going to the ocean, dress in your sweats mostly and wear a jacket. If you swim in the ocean, you turn purple!
Its cool here.
We had about a week of unbearably hot weather at the end of June, but July has been beautiful. It has mostly stayed in the 80s when it should be closer to 100s. But, I also wonder what it will do to our winter.
Our weather in AR has been exactly the same way. We had a heat wave and now it is cool and beautiful. We've stayed out on the lake every weekend since it has cooled down. This is the coolest weather for July that I remember in a while! Maybe the winter will be mild also.

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