Does anyone else watch Ninja Warrior on TV?


16 Years
May 8, 2007
That is my new favorite TV show!

We watch it on the G4 channel, 354 on Directv.

I even have my husband watching it now. I was laughing so hard, that he had to get off the computer and see what I was laughing at. It's a show from Japan. It's basically a big obstacle course that people try to complete. Sometimes people run out of time, but mostly they fall in the water. The contestants are a real mixed bag. Everything from Olympic athletes to celebrities. Oddballs in costumes. A teacher competes regularly and his class comes to cheer him on. Some of the announcer's comments are pretty funny, too, if you read the subtitles. Although the entire contest is a full day, they televise it in several different 30 minute shows.

The first stage is pretty funny. They start out with 100 contestants. Only a handful of people make it to the second stage, which is more serious. The third stage is so physically demanding that it really is like watching an Olympic caliber event. The people competing in the third stage have usually been in training for this for years, also. The final is a timed rope climb or a combination spider walk and rope climb, to the top of a tower. They change some of the obstacles every season.
Yes, I watch it very often. They had a marathon on awhile back, I think it was like three days long. :eek:

It's pretty amazing what some of those people can do.......It's also pretty amazing how silly and down right weird some of the competitors are.
We started watching it. (Glad I missed the guy in the red thong tho!)

I think they DO have something like this in the US. Basically, it's like a preliminary, and if you make it through, you get to go to Japan and be in it over there? I'm going on second-hand info, but that's what I was told.


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