Homemade Fly Trap


11 Years
Jan 10, 2009
Read a post on BYC last week to make a homemade fly trap. Used syrup and ACV. My husband had an idea also.....beer...so we both made our traps, and his trap started out in the lead but by the second day, mine had passed his by a mile...We were laughing all weekend comparing traps...what a way to pass the time huh???

Edited to say that I might switch to molasses...that would really have em coming!!!
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I just took a bottle (2 liter) and cut 4 holes around the upper part of the bottle, put the ACV and syrup in the bottom, and put the top on and set it in the coop...husband did the same with the beer. Wasn't his beer mind you..one that was left in the fridge from a party..he wouldn't waste is CR on a fly!!!!
In the 2 liter bottle, I put 2 cups of ACV and 2 cups of pancake syrup. Plan on making a few more. The flies really get worse in the juvenile pens because they scratch out more feed.....Those hangup fly traps are expensive and I hate the sticky tape ones...
i have another fly killer: plastic milk jugs or soda bottles, cut holes in bottles, place golden malrin fly bait in bottom, hang up out of the way, close to rafters is okay, then watch the flies die! when full, add more golden malrin. no liquid, no smell, no maggots like in the traps you buy if you forget about them. critters cannot get to them either

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