Swollen Eye, some sneezing, runny nose and now bloody stool.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 15, 2009
Some of my hens are sneezing and have runny noses. Now one has
a swollen eye and bloody stool.

I have started them all on Cori in the water) tonight and the one with the swollen eye and bloody stool is not eating. She went for some bread so I gave her a small bit of bread with the Cori on the bread to get some medicine in her. I think it is Cocci from these symptoms.

What else should I do, I think I am catching it early as she is still getting around Ok just slower.
The bloody stool could be Coccidia, but the other symptoms are a respiratory infection. You can stop the Corid and switch to Sulmet, which will treat coccidia and Corzoa if it is that type of respiratory infection. Is there any funny smell to their nostrils? If so, Corzoa, if not you may need Tylan 50 injectable for cattle as a medication for them.
I thought I read on here that Corid and Sulmit were the bsically the same except that Corid was a little better. Fought more Cocci than Sulmit.

Can Cocci cause the Eye swelling and respiratory stuff also?
Didn't notice a funny smell, I will check in the morning. I went out tonight to check on her and she seemed better. More perky and eye was opening some. Last night droopy and eye closed and wouldn't open.

I got some yogurt and some of that Polyvisol vitamin without Iron from Walmart tonight. Should I give this in the morning?

Thanks Steve
Coccidia will not cause the respiratory symptoms, but they can get weak enough with coccidia to allow other illnesses to develope. Corid treats coccidia only, but very well and very safely. However it does not treat Respiratory diseases, but Sulmet does.
Thanks so much. I will change them to Sulmet this morning.

I have another one this morning looking swollen around the eyes and looks like some pus around the eyes.

Looks like bad sinus infections.

Same dosage. 2 teaspoons in a gallon of water.

I'll also pick up some Tylan 50.

Can I give a Tylan shot to the ones showing the signs while they are on Sulmet?
I just had something go throught my flock. Watery/bubbley eyes, puffy eyes, eyes closed shut. Tried Sumlet no response. Gave Tylan 50 shots and the worst ones got Tylan 200 shots. They responded over night. Everyone getting better now, so try the Tylan 50 shots. I am also puting 3cc of Tylan 200 into a quart waterer jar for extra help.
I got the Tylan 50.

Can you tell me how to give the shots.

Sulmet in the water now.

Will do the shots tonight.

They are eating and drinking so hopefully I can get this knocked out before I have to deal with a nutrition problem. It just started about 2 days ago.

Thanks Steve.
I do not think you can mix the Sumlet with the Tylan 50. I gave a shot in the back of the neck in the skin. I gave about 1/2 cc to 1 cc depending on size of the chicken.

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