Can I keep Peafowl And Chickens In the Same Pen?


14 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
Hello everybody, I have a peachick i recently hatched from one of my friends eggs and i absolutely love peafowl and want more! but i only have one pen with all of my chickens in it and don't really have the money right now to build a new pen. Everyday I let my chickens free range outside then they all just go back in by themselves at night. Can I have peafowl in with my chickens if i let them free range outside everyday and they only be confined together at night time?
I dont mix them, but some do, you do risk the peafowl. Worming the chicken and peafowl can help. I have to many to risk it, but with just a few ,you could just keep an eye on them,for Blackhead and etc.
As long as you worm and keep things clean...I wouldn't see a problem with it. I raise my turkeys with my chickens as well...but I keep everything clean. I was thinking of getting peacocks, but i heard they get mean...and I have children...and don't wanna risk them getting hurt.
Mary very rare for them to get mean, stay will the india you will be ok.
Note pic, is my 3 yr old grandson in a pen with over 50 peafowl. He is feeding them. Turkey get alot meaner than peafowl.

From what I understand, Peafoul are just like guard dogs or geese...they might be mean to strangers. We've had geese that would chase any stranger away, just like our dogs. They should be fine with anyone they live with though.
To people looking to break into somoenes house, peafowl will hunt you down and smite you with a mighty peck,

To peacock owners, dont they just kick up a fuss and let you know that someone is here? I have never had a stare down with any of my peafowl, the only odd thing is my Opal who thinks I am one of his mates - he will run at me after he has displayed thinking that he is going to mate with my leg.
OUr India Blues are not mean, but theyare very curious and seem to like to tease the other animals including the chickens. Our chickens and peas do run together, all free range. So far we have not had problems. We do deworm with a broad spectrum dewormer.

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