Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

IMO, as long as the temps during the day are in the 30's -40's, they are too young. You did say you would keep the heat lamp on at night. If you have time to visit them a lot during the day, you can try it,and see what their body language is. You may end up using a lamp 24/7 for a few weeks outside.

x2, but they should be fully feathered first?? Head, chest, belly, and back.Were yours older when you got them? My 4 week olds aren't even fully feathered yet(almost). I know people that start them out as peeps in barns/coops, but with the 24 hr. heatlamp's.
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I always keep my babies inside for 3-4 weeks. By the time they go out, they look like little chickens, not baby chicks. I don't have the option of using a heat lamp outside though.
Both pure, two different sets of six shipped eggs.

That's awesome! :D I don't need slates this year, however they will be a critical part of the blue mottled breeding project next year. If you want, I might be able to swap you for Black Mottled eggs next year!

yep, very interested next year..

Alright, I'll keep ya posted. Hopefully I get one or two females out of 4. I'll probably be getting rid of my extra drakes as soon as I can tell what is what :)
You seen normal to me! (maybe I'm starting to understand this whole few friends thing)

Wing is normal ......

The rest of the world is not ....
Is it time for all peas? I thought mine said May?

Don't go by when I plant things! I lose stuff pushing the season. Last year I put sugar peas in on February 15, since the winter was mild. Delayed start, bu produced well.
Peas are generally a cool weather crop, iirc, so I put them in as soon as ground thaws. and spinach, lettuce, and radishes go in a cold frame so I get them early,
I also planted corn in March last year under plastic. Fresh corn on memorial day. I also use black plastic to warm the soil.
Yeah, I'm a little out there, but so are my friends!
Is it time for all peas? I thought mine said May?


My packages all say "spring"....I have always planted on ST Pats understanding is Peas don't like it hot (foolish peas)....they will burn out by July and then you re-sew for fall...I do Snow peas and snap peas(wando?).....most are frost tolerant by my understanding,,,my two cents...

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