Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Does anyone know where I might be able to acquire an olive egger (any age) in the Chester County area?

I am hatching them every week. I have a list of people that want them from this Friday's hatch, but should have some left. They are autosexing (cross of Legbar and Welbar) so you won't have to worry about getting a male.
Hello there, I'm right in your neck of the woods in Upper Bucks County, Unfortunately, I don't know a thing about ducks. There are forums for other poultry if you look though the forum tab at the top of the screen. Those people would definitely know how to help you.
It is the broody time of year! Good luck with them all!
Sorry you had to remove him suddenly, but I'm glad it was for the best. uestion about that. I understand using a kill cone for a chick n, but how does one hold down a 20lb turkey to butcher? I doubt I could do it by myself.

For us, it was a 2 person job and wasn't easy. I held the feet, hubby used the hatchet and then it took both of us to get him hung. Next time, we're going to hang the turkey first and move the stump next to it and do it that way (he hung pretty low). Another option that I thought of using was the broomstick method. Break the neck with the broomstick, then hang and drain.

Here is the truth about fresh vs store bought.
You mean country people keep saying it is a stronger taste. STOP IT!!!!! It isn't a positive sounding thing! Second, fertilized = gross. Don't flaunt the roosters.
Third, I know that the big companies have to meet certain cleanliness regulations. I still would rather my own eggs over someone else's. When I got my ducks, I couldn't eat the eggs for a while because I didn't hatch her, and she seemed "contaminated" at first.

Hubby was so freaked out about the fertilized part for a while at first. He still doesn't like to think about it but he's mostly over it lol

Hello to all newbies from the last 2 years..
To the old timers. Hello, been awhile.

Hey Wing! Long time no see!

Ok.... so where is @sharron and @LittleMissPurdy and @missydcpc and @chiques chicks

Yeah, we need to see some of them again on here

not even close to being settled...hopefully by the end of the year....we are currently searching for a place. working with a realtor to go see a few places in mifflin county.

There's still a 55 acre farm for sale right around the corner from us. Last I checked, I think it was 380K
I know! The worst part is that it still looks like it's open so I constantly see people walking up to doors and trying to get in.

Lol, that was us probably--a few months ago! Now that there is a Wegmans in Concordville, we don't have a reason to go to Downingtown--unless I can find my red factor canary breeder's number--he was in Downingtown.

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