Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Well it's official, I will no longer be breeding legbars. I only have 2 left now, the first one I ever hatched (Sky) and a pullet from a January hatch. The rest are gone. I'm sad to see them go but I needed to make a tough choice. The ones hatched early this year were absolutely gorgeous.
It's weird how different the markets are across the state. I sold well over 200 Legbar chicks this year, almost twice the 2nd most popular (Olive Eggers, they are half Legbar).
OTOH, someone out in your area told me they got $20 for turkey poults and sell all they hatch, I have trouble moving them at $12 and often have to drop the price. I'm keeping the turkeys of course, but not adding any new ones and the older girls are not laying much, so next year I will have far fewer turkeys to sell.
Cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting, and espresso powder.
I decided to share here since there’s nothing too exciting to say about my flock.
Yes please, lets move on to happy chicken news! I look forward to pictures of the pretty hen. Really wish we didn't have a limit of 12 chickens (even though we have 18) :oops:

And the hen saddles are on their way, will hopefully be here by Saturday! Cannot wait!
I should really get hen saddles, I just haven't been able to.... (thanks life!)

Clark was sold on Saturday! The guy that bought him picked him up for his uncle who just got a bunch of land up state and has a nice amount of RIR girls that need taking care of~ So he's in the money now!

Also, May I introduce Miss Cecilia!



She does not like her picture taken very much, but she does seem to lay white eggs! @LeBlackbird seems to suspect that she is Cornish, or at least partly Cornish if I recall correctly.

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Introducing our latest addition. Her name is Maple, and we got her at the adoption event yesterday. She is (supposedly) a husky mix (perhaps with some shepherd?). She came up from North Carolina, and was just spayed on Thursday! She is pretty skinny and was probably roaming the streets. But she has a very calm way about her and she is very intelligent also. I wanted a large dog, and a calm dog. Time will tell, but I think I got both.

She is getting along famously with my other dog, and when I took her around the free ranging chickens, (she was on leash of course), she seemed alert, but not overly excited. It should help that my other dog doesn’t care about the flock. Both dogs got an hour+ long walk today and are both napping.
I am proud to say as I know both huskies and Shepherds, She is most definitely (I'm 90% sure) a Husky/Shep mix, most likely 50/50 by the look of her color. When you cross the two you usuallly get something that looks like a wolf just stepped into your living room.
I hope everyone and their flocks are doing well! Finally spring has sprung (kind of)!

Pic spam :D

My babies from you @dheltzel! The CCL was outside (no pictures please!) They're already bigger from this photo, I'll have to get more later.

My big babies enjoying some tall grass


These are the best days, so relaxing (except when they get into our mulched beds :tongue


And here we have a fun new experience... Rats! I noticed this hole on Thursday am, under where the coop/shed is. I got home from work and immediately set out to find it. First, I grabbed a shovel and blocked the original hole with a brick. I have a few logs in the run, as well as a baby pool for dust bathing setup up on a pallet. I turned over a log and sure enough there was another hole about the size of a soda can. Then I moved the baby pool off the pallet and a rat shot out from underneath. I chased it inside the run and watched as it tried to use its holes to escape. My chickens were inside the run and were freaking out. I was hoping my rooster or my voracious big hen would get it, but I think me welding a shovel scared them off. The rat tried to scale the fencing and squeeze through the chicken wire on the upper half, but it was too big (body was about 6", altogether with the tail maybe 10" long). I tried whacking it a couple times and thought I got its tail or foot, but it managed to run into the corner and flatten itself out and squeeze under the hardware cloth and get out. I realized that because I moved the chicks out and started leaving the shed/coop pop door open at night due to heat, that that must've just lead them right in. So I started removing the chick feeder at dusk, and made a summer pop door out of HC for the shed/coop. Yesterday I checked inside for the baby pool rat, and didn't see it. I stuffed the holes with rocks and managed to lay down an extended HC apron over the hole pictured above, and around the remaining perimeter of where the pavers are. I went out this am and saw some light digging around it but not sure if it was the chickens or the rat trying to escape. Next step would be to try and trap it at night. I am very merciful when it comes to nearly all creatures, except when they are pests that invade a living area inside my house or in my chickens space. Then they've got to go. :frow
It took me two tries to get rid of my rat--I filled all holes as much as I could with dry ice and covered them up. No signs since round two.
I totally agree that the chicken in the hallway prank was somewhere between harmless and adorable. The kids I know would have been thrilled. I signed a petition to take it easier on the perps.

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