One of my chickens has an egg stuck inside of

The calcium makes a lot of sense to me because after our goats kid I give them calcium gluconate to help them with muscle fatique so that they can pass the placenta easier. If the egg got stuck and the muscles are now fatigued they would continue to have trouble passing the egg even once relaxed and oiled.

Other than the warm bath and oil and a tummy massage I don't have anything to offer except to give her a crushed up Tums. Not Rolaids. The boost of calcium sometimes help. To get her to eat it cut grapes into quarters and press them into the powder. It will give her extra fluids as well.

You can use an oiled finger to try and help her but you don't want to break the egg. If you can feel the actual egg she might be able to pass it with some help. If there is a membrane over the egg she will have to see a vet.

I know the economy is bad but can you swing a vet appointment? If not do what I did and talk to the vet before the appointment. See if he/she will take payment of $10.00 a week until the bill is paid off or maybe you could barter.

I truely hope she gets through this.

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