Good vitamin & mineral supplement without sugar?? Electrolytes?


15 Years
May 25, 2008
Is there a good vitamin & mineral supplement I can give my hen that does not have sugar?

I have Poly-Visol children's liquid and Poultry Nutri-Drench liquid, but both list sugar as an ingredient.
I have powdered Vi-Tal for chickens, but I'm not sure how good that is? Or if I can figure how to give it to her in very concentrated doses (My other hen did not like the taste).
I have a Vitamins, Minerals & Electrolytes powder for chickens, also, but I'm thinking that electrolytes--by definition--include sugar??

The last of the 3 hens I've tried to save from what really appears to be an internal fungus problem (History posted on my thread at is nearing death's door. I **SO** want to save her.

It is my understanding that she desperately needs easily digested vitamins and minerals sent into her system, but a super-low-carb/low-sugar diet. Suggestions of best kinds?

Also, I read somewhere that electrolytes were important for her in her VERY immune-compromised and weakened state, but--again--don't those include sugar???

Thanks very much for any help!
For fungal disorders use Copper Sulfate also known as Blue Stone.

A good vitamin supplement is Red Cell. I use the one for horses. I mix it with the water and give it 3 days each week which is plenty. saladin
AviaCharge 2000 is a very complete one without sugar. It's very expensive, but a small tub goes a very long way. Must be ordered online. On occasion, I do use Red Cell, a vitamin/mineral supplement for horses, but I dilute it with an oil, like olive or wheat germ or cod liver oil in a spray bottle and spritz some feed every week. Must be used sparingly for chickens due to the high iron content, but it doesn't list sugar as an ingredient, just articicial flavoring.
electrolytes are salts
... so if your electrolyte mixes don't list sugar you should be in the clear (but be sure you know to look for all the "sugars" many 'ose ending words - fructose, dextrose, glucose ...

Neat article on how to spot sugars

Feeding redcell would scare me - I know people do it w.out problems but it is very high in iron and selenium and it has "artificial cherry flavoring" which I would assume is sugar.

This is one I found that doesn't appear to have sugars:
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Smith Poultry Supply has this list on their site of supplements for chickens. You'd have to check ingredient lists to see about sugar content, though. Wonder if any of our sponsors sell anything like this?

Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements

Acidophilus Forte - 16 oz. pwd. Contains 1.5 billion units probiotic per tsp. to maintain healthy gastrointestinal tracts

Avian Super Pack 4 oz. pkg. contains high levels of vitamin A, D3, E, B12, Riboflavin, Niacin, Biotin & essential minerals.

Broiler-Max 4 oz. pkg. makes 256 gallons Highly concentrated stress pack containing vitamins and electrolytes.

C-Kelp Granuals - 1 lb. (shipping wt. 1½ lbs.) Pure Norwgian seaweed from the waters of northern Canada aids digestion & breeding.

Cod Liver Oil (pure) improves appetite, helps condition birds for breeding & showing
1 qt./$9.00

gal. $29.00

Copper Sulfate - 1 pound Helps prevent canker & blackhead.

Econo-Lyte makes 256 gallons Provides supplemental electrolytes & vitamin C necessary for birds during heat stress, debeaking or vaccinating, or transporting.
1 lb./$3.50

GQF Vitamins Plus - Contains vitamins & minerals, organic acidifiers & a source of live natural-occuring micro-organisms to supplement gut acid product-ion often low in chicks. Use when birds are stressed or after using wormers & antibiotics with older birds to restore “good-gut bacteria”.
1 / $4.25

4 / $16.00

Gro-Gel Plus B provides immediate nutrition for just hatch chicks & poults. For more info. about using it, go the above link


Iodine Solution 1 fl. oz. for preventing iodine deficiency in aviary birds

K-Plex 250 100 tablets aids in clotting of blood. Use before dubbing & pinioning.

Poultry Nutri-Drench (4 oz. dropper bottle) Boosts immune system, corrects vitamin deficiencies, improves antibiotic response, eases shipping & heat stress. For rapid results, administer undiluted in mouth (1 ml. per 3 lbs body weight. Directions for proportioner or direct addition to drinking water.

Red Cell liquid vitamin-iron mineral supplement to mix with feed or water to get poultry in top condition for breeding and showing. Promotes good feathering.
1 qt. / $8.25

1 gal./$20.00

Russell Super Vitamins contain high levels of the vitamins essential for maintaining healthy breeders; can be used as long as desired. Makes 256 gallons.
1 lb./$4.50

Testrone Plus for conditioning and breeding. 60 tablets

Vionate Powdered feed additive contains 21 essential vitamins & minerals needed for maintaining healthy breeders and for improving the livability and growth of chicks. Is effective against preventing stress, leg problems, and crooked toes.
2 lbs/ $13.00

2 2 lb./$25.00

10 lbs./$48.00

Wheat Germ Oil (Pure) improves appetite, helps condition birds for breeding & showing.
1 qt. / $9.25

gal. / $29

MyPetChicken sells supplements, too, I see. Like this:
I make a lot of goat cheese and have had wonderful results with all species using cultured whey as an electrolyte and probiotic booster. I just use the whey drained from the raw cheese curd instead of water. It contains the perfect balance of electrolytes and any milk sugar is already pre-digested by the live culture. It may not help you now, but you could get, or make some and keep it stored in the freezer. I just use the live culture from either buttermilk or plain yogurt. (I like Nancy's brand yogurt the best, but use whatever is available) or you can culture it with powdered culture.

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