Langshan Thread!!!



Langshan Lover
11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
Claremore, OK
I have searched and searched and have failed in trying to find the thread where we were all posting our Langshan pics.

So this thread is a secondary thread. Because I'm pretty sure there was another Langshan thread.

This thread is for everyone to post photos of their Langshans! Bantams, large fowl, black, white, blue, splash (I LOVE splash...). ALL of them!!!

I'll post photos later, but I need to see some Langshans!
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You know I was just wondering when you might start a Langshan Thread.
I too cant wait to see some of these great birds..


He's just a big old pet but I love him. He free ranges right now with my laying flock but I plan to pen him with some girls in another month or so and raise some chicks. He has a super temperament, is gentle with the ladies, eats out of my hand when the girls are through and scares hawks off quite well. He is terribly afraid of the horse and gets chased by the smaller buff Orp roo!
He also has a terrible time keeping feathers on his legs because a few of the young girls pick them off all the time. Another reason I feel the need to pen him. Get him with some better mannered ladies.

Gosh, Langshans are such great birds!
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I'm so excited that you started this thread.....I've had my eye on this breed for quite awhile......JUST LOVE THEM!
I would like to add some to my laying flock this year (*hopes DH never catches wind of this , lol......he thinks I enough*
) . I think they are MAGNIFICANT birds!

So many wonderful breeds on my wish list and not enough coop space..........whats' a gal to do?!?!?!?
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They look really beautiful-but I know nothing about the breed . Why are you all fans? I would love to learn, because they sure are pretty!
I still want to get eggs from you but will wait until warmer weather to try again.

Once you see the Langshans in person you fall in love. Their posture, their height, their smooth moves are just a few great things about them.
I adore that wine glass look because it makes them look so balanced.
I like my Jersey Giants, too but they aren't the birds that the Langshans are to me. I think I really find their size and gentle nature so appealing. And if any of you know me, I started out with and still own numerous bantam Cochins so the Langshans became special to me because they just seem to have a glow about them. At least, mine seem to.
Nice thread to start. I knew nothing about Langshans until I met a lady with a SQ flock last fall. I bought call ducks from her, and when she put out the call that she needed to also part with her Langshans to focus elsewhere, I bit. The champion roo went to PA, but my BYC friend and I split the rest of the flock. The roo fathered most of the flock anyway, and we are seeing very nice quality birds. At Ohio Nationals I found a Langshan breeder who had blues and came home with a blue hen to throw in for fun.
So, I believe I have 9 adult blacks, 3 juvenile blacks, and one blue.

I'm learning by hands-on experience.

So far I've discovered that they go broody. When we picked up the flock, two hens had just hatched out a small, shared clutch. But one hen quickly abandoned the motherly thing to roost with the other adults. The other hen also seemed flaky about mother and the nights were cold, so I still have 3 juveniles living in my garage.

They seem very winter hardy. We've had temps down to 0, and so far the roos' combs are looking good. They don't like snow, though, and they haven't been laying any eggs -- until yesterday I found one splatted under the roost. Their appetite really doesn't seem that big for their size either.

This flock seems aloof to human interaction, but generally gentle.

I look forward to breeding season.

I need to get pictures, but this is a poor time with them holed up inside.

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