Can I give aspirin to my chickens?


12 Years
Oct 3, 2007
Scenic Verbank, NY
Ground up, small amounts of baby aspirin?

Also, can aspirin help ease the pain of ruptured air sacs, nasty open wounds and other general malaise, as it does for people?

Aspirin is given for pain in chickens 5 tablets of a plain reg. aspirin to a gallon of water...just watch for that they are not bleeding alot or losing blood...
sorry, I just saw this post, im still catching up from when i was offline last week!

I have just been given a rescue duck which has some wounds on her back, she/he is a little wood duck.
Looks like a dog may have got her.
I have put ointment on the wounds and i wonder if she could have some aspirin too???
She will probably go to the vet tommorrow as I do wildlife rescues and the vets look after us with wildlife injuries etc!

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