Giving aspirin during moult?


Dec 5, 2021
Hello all,
Our most medically needy girl, Sweetpea (black Orpington) has gone into a moult. She's just hitting 18 months, it's almost March here in the southern hemisphere, with the sun angle changing and nights suddenly cold - so it seems about time. Our other 3 out of 4 are starting to show raggedy feathers as well, but they're blues and seem to be built slightly different to her. I expect them to moult in the next two weeks.

But Sweetpea is going all out, losing most of her back half in two days. We took out a bumble out of her foot about four days ago, before we knew she was going to moult, so she must be feeling even worse.

I'm amping up the privately given 'treats' (peas, yogurt, scrambled egg, some sunflower seeds) so she's getting higher protein and calcium. I'm treating it as a supplement since she's eating less because of the moult and not wanting to be around her sisters who will bowl her over for food and treats. She's never acted this sad and scared of every little thing. I've never seen her so absolutely miserable.

So - can I give her anything to ease the pain of feather loss and as the new ones come in? Is low dose aspirin an option and would it help?

Thank you!
If you do use aspirin, I would only use it for 2-3 days. Dosage is 1/2 of a low dose 81 mg tablet once or twice a day. Most hens feel a bit lousy when they molt, and they usually stay off by themselves and lie around a lot. I have never medicated for pain for molting, just threw them some egg or sunflower kernels daily. Hopefully, it will go quickly and she will feel better soon.
I have never given a chicken aspirin. Didn't know it was a thing! Feathers growing in is uncomfortable but its more uncomfortable when you pick them up. thats why I dont handle chicks while they're feathering out. Feeding her some higher protein feed for a while would help.
So - can I give her anything to ease the pain of feather loss and as the new ones come in?
Offering a solid supplement like Rooster Booster brand Poultry Booster (product) or Poultry Cell (product) is a great choice to support them through this.. if it's available in your location.

Most molting birds (especially those really feeling it) will quit laying eggs.. boosting calcium beyond when they were laying is not recommended.

If neither of those supplements are available.. B complex might help boost over all well being.. and cannot hurt.

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