47 pound rooster


17 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Telford, TN
Made you look! I have one of these bottles of wine as part of my chicken/rooster collection. I don't care for wine, but I love the pretty label. Even the foil covering the cork is embossed with a rooster.
47 pound Rooster

La Vieille Ferme wines' labels look like a colored pen & ink drawing of a pair of chickens. I've considered soaking off this label and mounting it on a square of illustration board and framing it. Has anybody here done this without damaging the labels?
I give that wine to my neighbors who tend to our chickens when we go away. It's such a pretty bottle, and reasonable too. But let's not talk about tasty wine when I'm on the South Beach Diet, okay?

I do like that label (the artwork, never tried the wine).
I've never tried soaking the label off of a bottle either, but that gives me an idea for all those bottles we have that still have the label on them. A couple of them had Celtic knotwork shields on the label that I thought were really cool.
eggcetra--I haven't opened this bottle, so I can't comment on the taste. The taste of wine is just plain yucky to me, although I add wine to my homemade spaghetti sauce. That's the only way I like my wine..in tomato sauce and over noodles!

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