**Show off your chickens! Any type, any breed**


Here's Wyatt at roughly 4months
This is how a description will appear:
Name~Breed~age~egg specs (if applicable)

Rosie~Blue Silkie~about 1.3 years old~infrequent layer of
small, tinted eggs

Lacy~Golden Laced Wyandotte~2.5 months*

Lucy~Welsummer~2.5 months*

Maggie~Barred Rock~1.6 years*~molting, but normally is a
good producer of medium tinted eggs
Penny~Production Red~1.6 years*~lays a large brown egg
daily, 300+ eggs per year

Daisy~Australorp~1.2 years*~lays a ex. large brown egg daily
300+ eggs per year
Maisy~Golden Campine (?)~1.2 years*~lays a small tinted egg
daily, 300+ eggs per year.

An asterisk (*) denotes an older picture

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