hanging feeders and waterers


11 Years
Feb 6, 2010
Orange County
I've seen so many recomendations for hanging the feeders and/or waterers off the ground, on a chain or rope etc.
The reason always seems to keep the chickens from pooping in it.
OK, I understand that.

what I dont understand is,
Why is hanging it from the ceiling better than placing it up on a pedestal, stand, blocks, etc. ???

it would still be off the ground, and out of pooping range, so why is it that everyone recommends "Hanging", as opposed to just "Off the Ground level" ???
Hanging them assures they remain level--even if hit by a chicken--and therefore fill properly. This is especially helpful for waters.
I set mine up on a cinder block, but they knocked it over twice. Now it hangs on a chain from the ceiling rafter.

My water buckets are on the ground, but attached to the wall so that they can't tip either.

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