introducing Peacocks / peafowl to chickens?

Anyone that keeps peafowl and chickens should stock up on metronidazole, enrofloxacin, and Safeguard. Then read up on blackhead.

Anyone that keeps peafowl and chickens should stock up on metronidazole, enrofloxacin, and Safeguard. Then read up on blackhead.


IMO, Amprolium and antibiotics should also be on hand, they simply go from good to dead way too fast to be waiting for an order to arrive in the mail or until you can make it to the store...

I agree, add Corid to the list, but the disease that many pea and turkey people have problems with is blackhead, for which sick birds will need metronidazole, and probably enrofloxacin (Baytril). Without metronidazole, there is a good chance that 100% of the ick birds will die. Coccidiosis is also very deadly, but one can almost always find Corid locally, whereas metronidazole and enrofloxacin need to be ordered.

Anyone that keeps peafowl and chickens should stock up on metronidazole, enrofloxacin, and Safeguard. Then read up on blackhead.


IMO, Amprolium and antibiotics should also be on hand, they simply go from good to dead way too fast to be waiting for an order to arrive in the mail or until you can make it to the store...

I agree, add Corid to the list, but the disease that many pea and turkey people have problems with is blackhead, for which sick birds will need metronidazole, and probably enrofloxacin (Baytril). Without metronidazole, there is a good chance that 100% of the ick birds will die. Coccidiosis is also very deadly, but one can almost always find Corid locally, whereas metronidazole and enrofloxacin need to be ordered.


Corid for coccidiosis plus dimethox (an antibiotic that treats cocci). Metronidazole and enrofloxacin for histomoniaisis plus regular worming with fenbendazole or albendazole or something similar -- all critical meds to have on hand, especially if peas are around chickens or turkeys. If you have a good relationship with a vet, you may be able to get the metronidazole and Baytril (brand name for enrofloxacin) in advance. x2 on birds die very quickly. We regularly read of birds whose owners only discovered illness within hours of death. Birds hide their illnesses until they can't anymore, often that occurs when the bird is very, very far gone. Watching your birds -- eyeballing them carefully, not just glancing at them -- daily! -- is one of your most important tools for health.

Read more about blackhead here:

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