how do they imprint?

I have dealt with a fair amount of imprinted birds recently, ducks and geese. I know for a fact, that any ducks I have obtained from hatcheries, NEVER imprint on me. They imprint on whoever they spent the last several hours with in their shipping box. You can certainly socialize them however, with a fair amount of handling. In terms of goslings, I have had imprinted goslings several times, and recently obtained a very imprinted adult goose. They absolutely can learn to be with their own kind, or even other types of poultry. Its not as permanent as many make it out to be. Three out of my four geese were heavily imprinted on humans at one point in their lives. I have even been given imprinted birds people could no longer handle... A little tough love, and careful socialization brought them out of pretty quickly. They were ultimately happier being with their own kind. If you are hoping for a friendly goose, they do not need to be imprinted on you to love your presence. I present mine with fresh greens and other treats, and they associate me with good times as a result. They always come running to greet me. One thing you need to know is a goose never forgets a time you wronged it. They are also exceptional at recognizing individuals, and may develop favorite people...

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