Integration using wire dog crate


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2024
Hello! I am new to chicken keeping. I have 4 Americunas (15 weeks old) that have been in their new run and coop for a week. I have 2 Lavendar orpingtons (pretty sure one is a roo) that are 8 weeks old I want to add to my flock. Would it be safe to put the Orpingtons in a wire dog kennel inside the run for a week or so everyone can get used to each other? I was a little concerned about chicken necks and those openings on the kennel? Also, would they be safe to sleep with it in there if it is on the ground (grass in there right now). Our temps are 50’s at night (will be getting down yo 49 one night) for a few days then back up to the 60’s. I’m wondering if there’s anything I need to know like make sure they have a way to get up off the grass, etc. I will put a tarp over most of it at night so they feel safe and to block wind. Thank you for any help!
This is the exact method I use every time to integrate my chickens, and it works very well. In my experience, none of my chickens have got their heads/necks caught in the crate. Does your crate come with a black plastic tray that slides in for the bottom?
This is the exact method I use every time to integrate my chickens, and it works very well. In my experience, none of my chickens have got their heads/necks caught in the crate. Does your crate come with a black plastic tray that slides in for the bottom?
Hi! Thank you for responding! Yes, it does. I wasn’t sure if it was better to keep that in the bottom or let them pick at the grass?
How big are the openings? I've wrapped my wire crates with hardware cloth to prevent pecking injury.
How big is it? Can you add a roost for them?

Next question is how secure is your run? If it's not secure, I would transport them back and forth into an enclosed garage or similar if the coop is too small.

I would remove the tray, if your leaving it on the ground.
How big are the openings? I've wrapped my wire crates with hardware cloth to prevent pecking injury.
How big is it? Can you add a roost for them?

Next question is how secure is your run? If it's not secure, I would transport them back and forth into an enclosed garage or similar if the coop is too small.

I would remove the tray, if your leaving it on the ground.
It is a large crate, (we have 85+ pound dogs), so I think they have plenty of space to get away from any pecking. I will look for tutorials as to how I can add the hardware cloth.

I believe the run is very secure. Hardware cloth, with a roof and a locking door. But I know predators can be persistent even with secure runs.

Thank you! Will they just learn to go into the coop with the other chickens at night to roost (once they are integrated)?
I have a couple big ones also having a Bull Mastiff but I will wrap any I need for young birds with hc and zip ties.
Pretty simple but it protects against pecking injuries and coon hands, or smaller predators getting to them.

And yes, the littles should start following the bigs in at roost time. As long as there's no squabbling where the bigs won't let them enter the coop.

Wishing you good luck...👍
I have a couple big ones also having a Bull Mastiff but I will wrap any I need for young birds with hc and zip ties.
Pretty simple but it protects against pecking injuries and coon hands, or smaller predators getting to them.

And yes, the littles should start following the bigs in at roost time. As long as there's no squabbling where the bigs won't let them enter the coop.

Wishing you good luck...👍
Ok, thank you!! Appreciate the info!
If you are confident your run is predator proof you can leave them out in the run. If you are not confident I'd put them somewhere predator safe. That has to be your call as you are the one taking the risks.

I'm not sure what you mean by "wire dog kennel". I'm thinking more of a cage than a high fence. They are going to poop a lot in that cage. One way to clean under them is to move the cage when it gets poopy under there. Just relocate it. I do that with my chicken tractor all the time.

You might consider raising that cage on brick or cinder blocks if it is a cage. That way the poop falls on through. You'll have to clean it or move it a lot less that way.
If you are confident your run is predator proof you can leave them out in the run. If you are not confident I'd put them somewhere predator safe. That has to be your call as you are the one taking the risks.

I'm not sure what you mean by "wire dog kennel". I'm thinking more of a cage than a high fence. They are going to poop a lot in that cage. One way to clean under them is to move the cage when it gets poopy under there. Just relocate it. I do that with my chicken tractor all the time.

You might consider raising that cage on brick or cinder blocks if it is a cage. That way the poop falls on through. You'll have to clean it or move it a lot less that way.
Super helpful, thank you! I can put it on some cement blocks and get it off the ground a bit.

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