5 day old chicks eating shavings

If you got shavings meant for smaller pets, you might have gotten cedar shavings, which I believe are lethal. Ive raised 2 groups so far of chicks, I put them on pine shavings on their 3rd or 4th day, and they are doing just fine.
Well, the shavings are labelled pine. I would hope that was accurate! It smells like pine, looks like pine. At any rate they are leaving the shavings alone for the most part now and are all still alive, eating drinking, running around and trying to fly so I think I'm over my jitters about it and we're going to be okay! Thanks for putting up with my newbiness yet again.
Latest update, they are on shavings, picking around. They eat a few small pieces but I sprinkled some starter feed and grit and mostly they seem to be having fun scratching around and eating that. They are settling down for a nap now. Looks we jumped that hurdle!

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