Mean Barred Rock Hen

Our BR (Beatrix...the witch, but it starts with a B!
) is sweet enough to us but she has been very agressive towards other animals. She started by chasing after my dog (mini schnauzer). He's been taught to leave them alone so I had to really get after her to make it stop. All was well for a few weeks and then she really started going after our Buff Orp and Easter Egger. I tried holding her upside down and putting her in chicken "jail", but I think I found what works with her. We had the nozzle on the hose that sprays down sidewalks and when she went after the other girls I hosed her down until she went to the corner of the garden. It wasn't close enough to hurt her, but it sprays a long distance and I stood on the back deck & was able to reach her no matter where she went in the backyard. She got really WET!!! I kept the garden hose out & my husband found me mumbling in the backyard "Go ahead, make my day" in Dirty Harry mode
. She's been a little more mellow towards the other girls, but I'm still at the ready with the hose if she wants to get in bully mode again.
I do think that some pullets are use to getting treats. Maybe she is looking for goodies. Try what the others say, scold her and don't let her have what the others get. Maybe she will get the hint??
We too have one and sometimes two really mean Barred Rocks towards their feathered sisters. To us they are very responsive and sweet, but very mean towards the other chickens. Pecking for no reason. At first I had thought it was a stage as we combined flocks at 7 weeks old, but they are now 20 weeks old and the pecking still goes on. Our Buffs are most often the recepients of the pecking. curious to hear what works for everyone else. I have considering culling the most aggressive, as I'm worried the stressed buffs wont lay at all. Thoughts?

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