Mean Barred Rock Hen


9 Years
Aug 14, 2010
:(Hi - my name is Karen from Washington) I am new to raising chickens and I have 5 pullets - one is a barred rock and she has turned extremely mean. Whenever I put my hand in the pen, she comes running and pecks me - has drawn blood twice. She even leaps into the air to try to peck me. All the pullets are about 4 1/2 months old. Is there anything I can do about this. She "WAS" my favorite, but not anymore!!!! Thanks.
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welcome to BYC! I would do the same to show her who is boss, and you don't attack the boss...
Is it a rooster instead? I have had an issue with a hen that I was skiddish of for awhile. I picked her up and walked with her backwards it worked for awhile. Oh and before I sat her down I gave her a peanut.
My BRs are VERY bossy to the other girls, but they are wonderful with me. They are bad about giving the other birds a sharp peck on the head for basically no reason other than they want to let them know who the big cheese is.
That almost sounds like rooster behavior...
Tou can also try pinning her to the ground like with a rooster to show dominance. Hold her down for awhile after she calms down so she realizes she is dominated, you will have to do this evertime she gets into her attack stance or gives you the stink eye. When you are entering the run just remember you are really entering the octogon LOL.
My Barred Rock is the same way! She is total boss of the others, including my HUGE Brahma, but she is very sweet to me. I think once or twice she has pecked me, trying to bully me, and I just give her a push or a swat on the butt. Yes, I spank my chicken lol. Not hard, but firm enough to make her think twice about doing it again.

She has NEVER drawn blood though. Do you have a picture of the guilty chicken? I am curious if it is a rooster as well..
My 3 barred rock (and 3 austrolorp) were the same. The pecks really hurt. They would peck my toes - I wasn't sure if they thought it was food or if it was aggression! I was getting worried and upset because I didn't want them aggressive to friends and family visiting. I tried snapping my fingers and stomping my feet, and that helped a little, but I think what was the best was picking them up - I think it showed them I'm the alpha female!
If you don't have a rooster, she may have assumed that role. If that's the case you might try treating her like a mean rooster to see if that brings her back in line.

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