Do chickens eat blueberries?

Oh,okay he's in there with a bunch of "normal" looking chickens and he's just a little teenager to boot. The ladies aren't going to give him the time of day and the other rooster probably isn't the least bit worried about him. I'm thinking you are more his flock than his actual flock. Options for the fella,you can hang out with him in front of the flock since they see you as boss and that might help his standing. Option two get a couple more or even one more "odd" bird for him to pal around with another polish,a silkie, just anyone that is a little odd those types of birds stick together it's like they know they're different. :)
Thank's I'll talk to him about it, he's right here with me and the mom hen and the 7 little ones. I thought i would give him some confidence to watch over the new chicks and their mom.. yah it gets personal sometimes!
I saw the title and chuckled. I have literally had hens come off their deathbeds at the word "blueberry". I'm serious! They know the word and a hen who was on her last few hours would raise her head and try to eat a blueberry. Hens have made Olympian leaps for blueberries over their heads. It was the magic fruit around here.
Now those little babies will definitely flock up with him since he isn't running all over the place and stays pretty low key. That really might be good for him. Teenage stage is just really hard on odd boys,they want girls but the girls get mean and since polish aren't aggressive they just get scared and stay to themselves.
Thank's I'll talk to him about it, he's right here with me and the mom hen and the 7 little ones. I thought i would give him some confidence to watch over the new chicks and their mom.. yah it gets personal sometimes!

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