Do chickens eat blueberries?

Me too! First thing I thought of after reading it!
When mine were very young they wouldn't eat fruit of any kind, around the five month mark they changed their mind. I got zero of my blueberries and one half of a fig maybe a handful of muscadines the rest they got.
what do i do about a shy rooster... beautiful black, white crested polish mop head? he's bottom of the pecking order i guess, and needs special attention.
he had a brother who died mysteriously.. they are show quality birds.. handsome even with a bad hair day every day. look up black white crested polish.
you will see what I mean
How old is your little fella and what kind of flockmates does he have and how old are they? I adore polish crested,just can't have any because other chickens pick on them unless you've got a bunch of different looking chickens for them to hang out with.
what do i do about a shy rooster... beautiful black, white crested polish mop head? he's bottom of the pecking order i guess, and needs special attention.
he had a brother who died mysteriously.. they are show quality birds.. handsome even with a bad hair day every day. look up black white crested polish.
you will see what I mean
cute quote.. chickens not recommended for sane people!..... LiL Blue is about 6 months old and yes gets picked on alot. He stays away from the other birds as much as possible. Enjoys the coop when it is empty, and my company when I'm home.
rest of flock, as follows: 4 RIR's , 1 ameraucana rooster, 1 ameraucana hen with 7 new 3 day old chicks. sooo cute!, 2 barred rock hens, 2 brown leghorn hens. and one crazy retired US Marshal "ME"
Oh,okay he's in there with a bunch of "normal" looking chickens and he's just a little teenager to boot. The ladies aren't going to give him the time of day and the other rooster probably isn't the least bit worried about him. I'm thinking you are more his flock than his actual flock. Options for the fella,you can hang out with him in front of the flock since they see you as boss and that might help his standing. Option two get a couple more or even one more "odd" bird for him to pal around with another polish,a silkie, just anyone that is a little odd those types of birds stick together it's like they know they're different. :)
rest of flock, as follows: 4 RIR's , 1 ameraucana rooster, 1 ameraucana hen with 7 new 3 day old chicks. sooo cute!, 2 barred rock hens, 2 brown leghorn hens. and one crazy retired US Marshal "ME"

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