Will my guineas kill one another?


11 Years
Apr 27, 2009
I'm afraid my Guineas are going to kill each other! I have 14 Guineas that are almost 3 months old and are in a "Hoop Coop" which is basically a run that measures 9 ft x 15 ft with a tarp covering 25% of it to give them protection from rain and keep their feed dry. Last week I witnessed the entire flock attacking one of their siblings and by the time I could get them off, his head was all bloodied. He was smaller than the rest so I guessed maybe that was why they attacked him. I took him out and sprayed "blue" on his head and kept him separate until he was all better. He now circles the run continuously with the birds inside trying to peck him through the wire! Yesterday, I saw them do the same thing to one of the largest birds. Again I took him out and he spends his day circling the run try to get back to his "buddies."

Has anyone else experienced this? I found a dead guinea in the run about 6 weeks ago and thought it died of natural causes. Now I'm not to sure. What say you?
Since it sounds like you've had them for a while they really should be out free ranging. Guineas genetics demand it. There is always a low bird and its appears that one is it and by removing it from the flock its caused that bird to be even lower on the totem pole.

Guineas appear to be vicious, actually they are but usually they can take it. Its part of the Guinea dynamics.

That size run might work for that many Chickens but it won't for Guineas. They also need places for the low birds to hide to escape the tormenting of the rest of the flock. I didn't see that mentioned in your post.
/Agree - my guineas are now 10 weeks old and i had to let them out of the run. They free range during the day and come back to the coop at night (so far). They were pecking the chickens they live but now that they have space to run around they seem to be a lot nicer to each other.
I let my guinea hens out of the fence once they are six months old and I feel they are ready to explore all twenty- five acres. The maximum number of guineas I've ever had was six. They get along great with my ducks, chickens and turkeys.
Guineas will kill other guineas because I have seen it happen. Usuall not from the same hatch but when introducing new guineas. Are you not able to free range them? Guineas don't do as well in a coop, they need to be out if they can. I coop some when they are laynig so I don't get mixed eggs or play the "where the heck are the eggs" game. Other than that, they are free.
I let them out this morning to free range on my 50 acres. I just wanted to wait till they were old enough to take care of themselves. As soon as I let them out, they attacked the small loner and turned his head into a bloody mess within seconds. I took it inside and put salve on his head and let him loose on the other side of the barn from the others where it was immediately attacked by two of my roosters! Last time I saw him he was hiding under a trailer in the barn. I guess I need to let nature take it's course but it is very difficult for me to see any of my animals injured:-( Just hope they'll come back in tonight!)
Probably most humane to sell or butcher it. If it can't get along anywhere on your property just leaving it to get killed slowly and torn up by the other birds is not a responsible way to keep livestock.
Akane, Have you raised Guineas?
As others here have suggested now that they are out and about free ranging, they seem not to be bothering ol' "Blue" as much. But just for others looking for similar information I would like to add the following: After separating the "low bird" from the others, medicating, and observing him in a separate small coop for several days, I let her out. She immediately wanted back in with the rest of her "flock" (What do you call a group of Guinea Fowl?) and I found that didn't work for her:-0 Another problem was when I originally removed the "low bird" they designated another as the "low bird." Now I have two birds that seem to be ostracized! Fortunately the new one is as large or larger than the rest and seems to be handling the attacks better than the smaller "Blue." Last night I went to check if they were all in and found them all comfortable and huddling together on top of the run and right in the middle was ol' "Blue"! Go figure. Like I said I'm going to stay out of it as much as I can and hopefully all will calm down. I've also made a decision to stick with my other poultry and leave raising Guineas to others:)
Sunny, Guineas go through a rough adolescence. If you hang in there and let the adjust to your way of doing things you might really like them. They do quiet down and mine quietly roam all day eating bugs and stopping in for supplemental food in the evening. Most of us have our own unique experience and there are a few things we all agree on. One of mine is on her third nest of the year while others say theirs only brood one. Keep trying stuff and see what works for you. You're doing a good job!

Hope you enjoy them.
Thanks for the words of encouragement! In time, I'm hoping I'll enjoy them as much as I do all the others.

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