how to make fish meal?

I lost a bunch of tilapia when my tank in the greenhouse got too cold and I made dog/chicken treats with them. I used fish, eggs, wholewheat flour and something else, I think oatmeal. Couldn't get them to harden off, but the flour and eggs thickened so it was like a custard. The critters loved it. I did cook the tilapia, dumped them in a pot of boiling water and cooked a couple of minutes. I did not use the inner organs, just the muscle meat outside the skeleton.

I just got done letting my 8 largest tilapia go to waste after they died when the last freeze hit, despite my best efforts to heat their tank. They went one or 2 fish at a time over a few days and I refrigerated but they did not smell safe to cook so I tossed in trash yesterday. I have a couple of channel cats in another one of my smallish ponds that I will be using for aquaponics this year
What is the temperature tolerance range for tilapia?
Mozambique Tilapia want water temps of 55 degrees or ABOVE. These are the only tilapia legal in Texas without a permit, because the species that tolerate colder water might overwinter successfully and wipe out game fish if they got loose.
are there special instructions to be aware of regarding raising minnows? or do you just put some in a pond and let them at it?
Minnows are "natural' chicken food so i just put natural live minnows into a new unnatural pond and the natural minnows just did what comes natural. Come to think of it I didn't even have to gawk between the minnows hind legs, the little darlings already knew which bathroom to use. A slice or two of white loaf bread was all the unnatural fish food that I ever fed them. Your experience may vary.

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