How much $ to raise a pig to butcher?

As a 4H leader, I recommend going to the fair and purchasing a hog from one of the hard working kids. You can write off part of the price on your taxes as well. As to the question, a feeder pig here in California goes for $150 - $200. Barrel feed, a 55 gallon drum weighing 300 pounds produces approximately 100 lb. of meat and cost's $100.00. So with this formula, you will need a pig, 2 barrels of food and plenty of fresh water. If your pig weighs 25 lb. when you get him/her, you will want to grow them to approximately 250 lb. A pig weighing 250 on the hoof (alive) will yield you 144 lb. of meat.

So your total cost will be around $450-$500 dollars ( theres a little buffer) if you need a few extra bags of feed, as well as wormer. Todays feed is not all corn, it is Soy protein, oats, wheat, some corn, vitamins, minerals, molasses for flavor. I suggest you do not slop your pig, my wife's father fed a feeder pig Chinese food one year and it was HORRIBLE!!! You can supplement their diet with apples, a friend of mine who is a retired chef does this and it is awesome!!! You may also supplement with any fresh vegetables as well. Our pigs grow for exactly 6 months, from birth to butcher. Pigs by far are the best deal when it comes to raising your own meat, cattle are expensive and the yield is much lower.

A link below is for your edification.

Hope this helps

Richard A. Haas
Badger Creek 4H

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