what are the best brody hens

I have 5 buffs, 5Jersey Giants and two Marans among various other birds including a Molted java... None of the Buffs have went broody (yet) one of the Jerseys just hatched 5 chicks and both the Cukoo marans tried ( one failed the other I broke) my Molted Java is around day 14 of her 3rd clutch this year... The other above listed birds are all 7 months.
Out of my 5 Australorps 3 Isa Browns 1 Leghorn

All but the isa browns go broody. My australorps go broody more often as soon as one starts they all start
half of what is said about black australorps is a big lie ,trust me they sometimes even abandon the chicks! ours only hatch 1/10 of the eggs they sit on

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