Chicks Hatching Today!

Congrats!! 12 out of 33 have hatched out for me so far... and I only just started Day 22

Congrats! That's not Carrol County, Arkansas is it?

Nope. Carroll County, New Hampshire.
I have five this morning! The sixth one pipped last night but no other activity since then. I saw it's little beak poking around the hole last night. Maybe it'll get with it this am.
Livinwright, I thought to look at your profile after I asked.
Number 6 is out. Looks like we're done here. I'll try for a group pic when everyone is fluffed out and in the brooder. Congrats Livinwright.
Noisy little buggers are peeping up my office. The incubator is under the stairs in my storage closet.

Okay my running total would have been 23 out of 33 so far, if I hadn't have made the mistake of putting the first hatched and a pipped egg under a mean young BG.... subtract those that have died and I have 21 chicks, so far, out of 31 eggs... only 10 more to go and most of them are already pipped and zipping!!
Man that stinks! Hope the rest of them make it out!

Lost 1 during pipping... very unfortunate. It was the only egg I was sure was a pure bred SLRW... it pipped on a vein and I couldn't help it in time...
also another one hatched a little while ago!! Down to 8 left unhatched, 4 of which are already pipped, with chickies taking a little breather. The 4 remaining unpipped I can still see & hear movement in... just a matter of time, I'm sure.

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