Loudest breeds?

My sizzle hen is MY loudest plus even when she isnt clucking at the top of her lungs, she still makes mumbling type noises and doesnt stop until bedtime.
Our Buff Orpington is like some golden princess standing on the stump SCREAMING until her voice shakes. She yells to be let out at sun up, she yells after she's let out, she yells while she walks around in the yard, she yells at new people that come over, she yells at the cat, the dog, sirens and the neighbors kids. Getting to be just about over it, ready to send her to the CL. The Wyandotte sometimes joins in. Our Blue Rock is the quietest of all.
My Rhode Island Red hen is very loud. She wakes us up some mornings that we sleep in and haven't checked on her first thing. My Barred Rock is definitely a talker too. I rarely ever hear a single little peep out of my Black Australorpe though.

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