Rabbit Crusty Ear Problem

You can use mineral oil/olive oil in her ear canals to soften the crust so it will clear. Their ears can be quite painful with mites and crust. The oil is soothing and can actually help smother the mites as well.
Thank you for your help; however Mrs Rabbit passed away 1 week ago. I miss her terribly. It wasn't from the ear mites....I used Ivermectin and it cured it within 3 days.
Sounds like ear mites. You should treat all your other rabbits. Just put some vegetable (olive, corn, sunflower etc.) or mineral oil in a little squirt bottle, warm it slightly for the rabbits' comfort and put a few squirts in each ear. This will smother the mites. Follow up with a couple more treatments to make sure you get the ones that hatch after the first treatment.

Ear mites are not usually considered a fatal ailment. but please do make sure your remaining rabbits are treated for the mites. This is how I fixed mine and no chemicals..... I got this info from this sight..... http://www.homesteadingtoday.com/livestock-forums/rabbits/283303-crusty-ears.html
I treated mine every 5 days for 4 times and had NO MORE PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!
2+ year old thread; the rabbit has now been dead for more than 2 years, too.
earmites.baby or olive oil will work fine to treat it.pour some oil in her ear and put a cotton ball in to keep the oil from coming out.
I have a bunny i just gound something like this on but its darker scabby like maybe even bleed at some time..i dont see how it could of been like this very long cause every couple days or so i brush this rabbit cause shes a lionhead..

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