Best egg-laying hens

Hmmm.... I'm not sure which would be the best of those three
I think though they are all pretty decent layers. I have one Buff Orpington and she lays about 4-5 eggs a week, even in the winter. I have never had Astrolorps or Ameraucanas but I think they ar about the same
I'm sure someone with experience with all three will chime in soon!

Edit: just discovered! The record holder egglayer was an Austrolorp in Australia that layed 364 eggs in one year (must have taken Christmas Day off) Wow!
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Ha! I guess that was during a competition of some sort
I guess that was an exceptional amount of eggs for any breed including leghorns!
Unfortunately you probably can expect around 180-200 a year, but that is still a lot of eggs!
1 - Australorps
2 - Orpingtons
3 - Easter Eggers ( If you want true Ameraucanas, you must get them from a breeder. Since you're ordering from a hatchery your "Ameraucanas" are going to be Easter Eggers.


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