Dogs cyst burst...

I've never heard of honey....what purpose is that? Anti bacterial??? I am curious now

It must be RAW honey - and yes it is anti bacterial. It's good for burns and abrasions. I would not use honey if the wound is deep, but anything is better than peroxide or alcohol at this point. You might want to check on herbal remedies. Calendula is supposed to be good for wounds, so is chamomile. A herbal health store may have suggestions for you - good luck.
that happened to my cat not long ago. He had this thing on his shoulder and after a while we determined it was a cyst. He is 12 and we didn't think getting it removed would be worth the 900 or so dollars so we decided to wait awhile and see if it got better. well, it kinda popped, not exactly, it more just started oozing so we just made sure it stayed clean and then after a few weeks there was no more evidence it was ever there.
The vet said that the honey is antibacterial and that it will pull the fluids out and keep the wound draining. there is a thread on here from last year about 'kubota' the rooster.
He got hit by a lawn mower.
Laura did everything she could for him. There were a lot of posts on something called 'sugardine' it was sugar and betadine.(sp?) I will see if I can find the thread. It is good info to have for future wounds anyway.

It is a heartbreaking story, but heartwarming at the same time. A must read.

it took a while to find it, post 72
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Another good thing to flush it out with is contact lens saline - Just the normal saline. It is super cheap at walmart for the large bottle. It doesnt sting like regular water does. I had an abcess on my leg (long story) and I know how bad regular water can sting. Also, Dial Antibacterial Soap - that is one of the best soaps also.
I mom uses her own home remedies and contact lens saline is usually high on the list for wound and ear cleaning along with diluted betadine and so on.
Ohh, I forgot about the honey. That's a great idea, and probably far better than bacitracin actually. Honey is bacteriostatic, meaning that it inhibits the growth of bacteria. One of the vets I work for has actually prescribed honey for rabbits with abscesses that were non-surgical (and rabbit abscesses are far worse than dog/cat abscesses or just plain open wounds that you don't want to get infected).

I would pass on the betadine, it will also inhibit healing the same as peroxide. It's great for cleaning wounds when they happen (or when they are discovered) but after the initial cleaning it will slow tissue healing.
My question to everyone is how would you recommend putting on a wrap for a dog with a healing thigh. My dog had her cyst rupture and have been cleaning and I am not sure how to even wrap it.
That would be difficult, you would need to go around the thigh and then around the abdomen to hold it up.
In stead of gauze for all of that, maybe you could use sterile bandages for the wound, and then use old clean sheet ripped into thin lengths to hold the clean bandage on.
Good luck with this.

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