what can they do? neighbor wants my chickens gone.

Sad day for me today!
I found out that the place that I have been housing my chics is not Ag. rated and it costs quite a bit to become Ag. zoned. So my sweeties and my beautiful rooster must go! If you want to find out about your city ordinances call the animal control people, or the city ord. people and they will either tell you what you need to know or they will direct you in the correct direction. Good luck. I hope you can keep them.

I don't think I'd give up too easily.
Animal Control & City Employees are notorious for being uneducated about the true and accurate ordinances. It has been often posted that what a homeowner is told is NOT the truth.
I'd insist on the actual current ordinance, with appropriate maps including your property. Any history in your area. Means to get a license, and time to address the issues.

Imp- Good luck
Sad day for me today!
I found out that the place that I have been housing my chics is not Ag. rated and it costs quite a bit to become Ag. zoned. So my sweeties and my beautiful rooster must go! If you want to find out about your city ordinances call the animal control people, or the city ord. people and they will either tell you what you need to know or they will direct you in the correct direction. Good luck. I hope you can keep them.

You don't neccesarily have to be agriculturally zoned to keep chickens.. check your City Ordinances.. read it for youself.
Since she states she is afraid of them I would work with that. If they are getting in her yard then you need to show you are willing to work with her and have them in a run.
I would look at city ordinance and try to do online if possible, to avoid more attention.
Often there is mis-information for fears so trying to find out exactly what she is afraid of and helping educate her might be enough.
Hope this helps.
I don't care where you live or how many chickens you can legally keep. In almost every place that exists, you cannot let your animals--be it chickens, dogs, elephants, bears, tigers, etc. loose off your property. You need to KEEP THEM HOME. Make the fence taller or with smaller openings (PLEASE tell us you have them in a fenced yard)--solve whatever issues allows them to leave your yard. Much as I like chickens, I would be extremely annoyed if a neighbor's birds were getting into MY yard on a regular basis, and that neighbor was not making every effort to prevent it. I can accept an occasional loose animal from a neighbor where it is not a recurring or regular problem. Everyone has occasional escapees, but regularly? Uh-uh. Not reasonable, and not neighborly.
I don't care where you live or how many chickens you can legally keep.  In almost every place that exists, you cannot let your animals--be it chickens, dogs, elephants, bears, tigers, etc. loose off your property.  You need to KEEP THEM HOME.  Make the fence taller or with smaller openings (PLEASE tell us you have them in a fenced yard)--solve whatever issues allows them to leave your yard.  Much as I like chickens, I would be extremely annoyed if a neighbor's birds were getting into MY yard on a regular basis, and that neighbor was not making every effort to prevent it.  I can accept an occasional loose animal from a neighbor where it is not a recurring or regular problem.  Everyone has occasional escapees, but regularly?  Uh-uh.  Not reasonable, and not neighborly. 

I agree with sonoran completely. you MUST keep them in your yard. No matter the law on having chickens.
i am in R1 low density residential? am i allowed to have them?

i am pretty sure you are safe...

Town of plesantville zoning
5.042 R-1, Estate Residential District

Here is the code from the link earlier. Notice that they have two R-1 districts. I believe the low density residential should be R-2.

AR Agricultural/Residential District
R-1 Estates Residential District
R-1 Low Density Residential District
R-3 Medium Density Residential District
R-4 High Density Residential District
V-1 Village Districts

5.043 R-2, Low Density Residential District

D. Uses Permitted as Special Exceptions
In the R-2, Low Density Residential District, the following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted as special exceptions after review and approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with Article VIII, Section 8.070; provided further that the site development plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with Article VIII, Section 8.030.

1. Agricultural Activities (Added by Ordinance No. 00-17, January 9, 2001)
Agricultural Services Crop and Animal Raising

E. Uses Prohibited
Any use not permitted by right or by special exception is strictly prohibited.

To me this suggests that you can only raise animals in R-2 Low Density Residential after you get a special exception reviewed and approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
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Can I ask what ever became of you and your chickens? I am also in Pleasant View and we are hoping to get chickens and may be possibly in the same situations. Were you able to keep your chickens?

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