Hens Pecking each other

8 hens with an 8x8 area do not have enough space. Each hen needs ten square feet of run space.

Oh, and
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Alright Nancy,
great to have you joining the BYC flock

One year old sounds like something that they are doing wile in the evening
when they are all close to each other and not wile running around in the
yard correct if so I have wiped a little vinegar on the feathers to slow this
down or stop it all together ........


Birds need a lot of space. Not only feather picking becomes a problem, but fighting, wounds, disease, worms and the competition for food or water will lead some birds to become thin and sick. So lots of room is needed when birds are confined during the winter or at any other time.
I have 5 hens in a coop, they have a nice hen house to go into at night with a heat lamp on. Four of them have been pecking at one and she now has a sore. I separated her this morning though she is still inside the coop. All I had to put on her little wound is triple antibiotic ointment. In reading different things this morning and doing research I now know that she is getting ready to lay eggs because when I pet her she brings her wings up. Could they be pecking at her because of getting ready to lay? When I get home tonight I will pet the rest of them and see if they also do the same thing. They are all about 5 months old. Two of them are one week older than the other three. Any suggestions would help. Thank You.

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